Aftercare of hearing aid accessories by hearing aid center in Kolkata
A hearing aid is a good investment. It brings your comfort, and enjoy the quality of living. But like other electronic or digital devices, hearing aid accessories are also very sensitive. So you need to take proper care of your device. So, It is good practice to know how to clean and maintain your hearing aid at home. For this reason ihear, the leading hearing aid center in Kolkata gives some tips to take care of your most important device.
How to Take Care of Your Favorite Hearing Aid Accessories
Maintain a good habit
Good habits and hygiene give you a healthy life. Leave your hearing aids whenever you go for a bath. Take shower, and wash your face without hearing aid to avoid water damage. Put your hearing aid in, after the application of hair products like hair spray of hair gel.
Clean your hearing aid regularly
Wash your hearing aid regularly at the end of the day. Cleaning your hearing aid accessories before bedtime gives sufficient time to air out before you will put in again. Avoid wipes contain alcohol or other chemicals that can harm your hearing aid.
Avoid extreme cold or heat
Extreme heating or cooling can damage your hearing aid. So use it carefully on summer or extreme winter season. Please avoid keeping your hearing aid in the coat pocket or on the table or inside the drawer. Try to keep them at normal temperature, and moisture-free place.
Always get the proper tools
A medicated ear brush or wax pick are indispensable tools best for cleaning your ear wax build-up. The earwax can accumulate in the opening at the end of the hearing aid, therefore sound may get muffled, and you may get whistling sound. It damages the receiver. So gentle clean the ear wax from ear and opening of the hearing aid accessories.
Cleaning of hearing aid accessories
To keep your hearing aid accessories working well, you must keep them clean and store safely.
Regular care
- Clean the ear molds with soft clean, dry tissue paper or cloth regularly after using it.
- Follow the opening for accumulated ear wax. If earwax is present there clean them with a pipe cleaner, or toothpick or wax tool. But remember don’t try to clean your ear molds with sharp objects. Keep your ear molds clean, and prevents from earwax building up.
- Check the battery of your hearing aid accessories. Our audiologist will show you how to check it with your customized hearing aid. If the battery is low Change it.
- Wipe off your hearing aid properly to maintain hygiene, and protect it from dirt, oil, and moisture.
- Turn off your hearing aid, and open the battery when it is not in use.
- Store your hearing aid accessories in a cool dry place.
Weekly care
- Wash your hearing aid weekly or when it needed.
- Remove your hearing aid accessories like ear molds or tubing from the main hearing aid device.
- Wash your ear molds with warm water and mild soap, and then dry it to keep it moisture-free, and clean.
- Dry your ear molds overnight and attach it with the main device. And use it in the next morning.
- Wax remover tool, ear mold ear blower, hearing aid dehumidifier are available at our clinic. So that you can purchase them separately when it required.
Invest in a hearing aid cleaning Kit
ihear is the most trusted and reputed hearing aid center in Kolkata. Our audiologist always recommends purchasing a hearing aid cleaning kit along with the Customized hearing aid. Don’t worry this cleaning kit is very affordable. That contains a variety of tools; vent cleaner, battery magnets, tube, wax removal brush and pick.
Let’s discuss them briefly
Visual inspection is important
Make a visual inspection of your hearing aid accessories to maintain its longevity. If you observe properly, you will be able to see where the wax is accumulated. Wipe off your hearing aid with a clean, dry cloth. If the wax is still there, remove it with the picking tool given in the hearing aid cleaning kit. Replacement parts are given at your first fitting season. The longevity of these fitters varies from person to person because ear wax production is different from person to person.
Fitters and hearing aid wax guards
Now modern hearing aids come with in-build wax protecting mechanisms like wax guard and fitters. These subtle parts can easily be removed. Replacement parts are given at your first fitting season. The longevity of these fitters varies from person to person because ear wax production is different from person to person.
Sound bores and hearing aid tips
The vibration of sound enters through the sound bore or tip in the hearing aid. If this part of the hearing device gets blocked by ear wax, use the brush to scoop out the debris, and open the clog.
For behind the end(BTE) hearing aid, tubing is a very important part. So you need to take care of this part also. As it connects the hearing aid to the ear mold. Always use a small, flexible wire to clean the clog of tubing.
Purchase a hearing aid dryer
Earwax or cerumen can cause moisture-related problems, so our clinical experts always suggest investing a certain amount of money on hearing aid dryer. After cleaning your hearing aid store it in a hearing aid dryer for the whole night. This is good practice to keep your hearing device moist free and functional.
How often should you change the hearing aid dome?
Grip tips and domes are presized and disposable hearing aid accessories. That is fitted on the hearing aid speaker, or in the tubing. Both the grip tips and ear domes are made up of soft rubber material. You should not wipe off ear dome and grip tip. When you require a fresh clean dome, replace it with the old one. Our audiologist always recommends replacing your hearing aid dome at least once in a month. Grip tip of your hearing aid should also be changed once in a month.
Here we have discussed the complete aftercare strategy of your customized hearing aid device. For more details contact with your local ihear branch in your area, the leading hearing aid center in Kolkata and WestBengal.