


Model Name Software Channel / Bands Battery Type / Life Fitting Range MRP.
100% Digital Signal Processing. 4 Channel Swift Compression (WDRC). Noise Reduction. Analogue Volume Control. Push Button For Programs. Audible Tones (Low-Battery Warning, Program Change, Delayed Activation Notification). 2 Trimmer Control (LF & MPO).
1 BTE 273 TRIMMER 4 / 4 13 / 290 20 – 90 7,900 /-
2 POWER BTE 283 TRIMMER 4 / 4 13 / 290 20 – 100 9,500 /-
3 ITE TRIMMER 4 / 4 13 / 260 20 – 95 10,500 /-
4 ITC TRIMMER 4 / 4 312 / 175 20 – 85 10,500 /-
5 CIC TRIMMER 4 / 4 10 / 100 20 – 80 10,500 /-




                        STAGE III


100% Digital Signal Processing. 4 Channel Swift Compression (WDRC). Noise Reduction. Feedback Management*. Analogue Volume Control. Push Button For Programs. Telecoil. Audible Tones (Low-Battery Warning, Program Change, Delayed Activation Notification). 3 Trimmer Control (HF, LF & MPO).



* Only In 393


6 BTE 373 TRIMMER 4 / 4 13 / 264 20 – 90 11,500 /-
7 POWER BTE 383 TRIMMER 4 / 4 13 / 290 20 – 100 14,000 /-
8 SP BTE 393 TRIMMER 4 / 4 675 / 300 60 – 120 15,000 /-


PROGRAMMABLE DIGITAL HEARING AIDS                                         START


WDRC Sound Processing. Background Noise Reduction. Microphone Noise Reduction. Adaptive Feedback Cancellation. Fixed Directionality. Stand By Mode. Audible Signal Tones. Earwax Management System.

9 START ITC VC HPG APPARAISE 1.5 3  / 3 312 / 170 20 – 90 14,000 /-
10 START D ITC HPG APPARAISE 1.5 3  / 3 312 / 170 20 – 90 14,000 /-
11 START CIC HPG APPARAISE 1.5 3  / 3 10 / 100 20 – 90 14,000 /-
                                 SHARE 1.1
WDRC Sound Processing. Microphone Noise Reduction. Feedback Manager. Nano Coating Technology. Analog Volume Control. Stand By Mode. Audible Signal Tones.
12 BTE APPARAISE 2.4 4  / 4 13 / 220 20 – 90 13,900 /-
13 P – BTE APPARAISE 2.4 4  / 4 13 / 207 30 – 110 16,500 /-
14 P – ITC – VC APPARAISE 2.4 4  / 4 312 / 114 20 – 90 16,500 /-
15 P – ITC APPARAISE 2.4 4  / 4 312 / 114 20 – 90 16,500 /-
16 CIC APPARAISE 2.4 4  / 4 10 / 70 20 – 80 16,500 /-
17 P – CIC APPARAISE 2.4 4  / 4 10 / 70 20 – 90 16,500 /-
                                  SHARE 1.2
WDRC Sound Processing. Microphone Noise Reduction. Adapting Noise Reduction. Fixed Directionality. Feedback Manager. Nano Coating Technology. Analog Volume Control.
18 P – BTE APPARAISE 2.4 6  / 4 13 / 207 30 – 110 18,500 /-
19 P – ITC – VC APPARAISE 2.4 6  / 4 312 / 114 20 – 90 18,500 /-
20 P – ITC APPARAISE 2.4 6  / 4 312 / 114 20 – 90 18,500 /-
21 CIC APPARAISE 2.4 6  / 4 10 / 70 20 – 80 18,500 /-
22 P – CIC APPARAISE 2.4 6  / 4 10 / 70 20 – 90 18,500 /-





Model Name Software Channel / Bands Battery Type / Life Fitting Range MRP.
  SHARE 1.3
WDRC Sound Processing. Microphone Noise Reduction. Adaptive Noise Reduction. Fixed Directionality. Speech Focused Directionality. Feedback Manager Plus. Nano Coating Technology. Auto Steered Directionality. Data Logging. Auto Phone. Analog Volume Control.
23 RIE APPARAISE 2.4 6 / 6 312 / 120 20 – 100 22,000 /-
24 P – BTE APPARAISE 2.4 6 / 6 13 / 207 30 – 110 23,000 /-
25 P – ITC – VC APPARAISE 2.4 6 / 6 312 / 114 20 – 90 23,000 /-
26 P – ITC APPARAISE 2.4 6 / 6 312 / 114 20 – 90 23,000 /-
27 CIC APPARAISE 2.4 6 / 6 10 / 70 20 – 80 23,000 /-
28 P – CIC APPARAISE 2.4 6 / 6 10 / 70 20 – 90 23,000 /-




Adaptive Noise Reduction. Frequency Shifting*. Reconfigurable As Linear or WDRC Sound Processing. Liner Mode (Peak & Soft Compression).

Wide Dynamic Range Compression. Multi-channel MPO. Fixed, Speech-Focused and Auto-Steered Directionality*. Feedback Manager (only In Gain 2). Feedback Manager Plus Incl. Feedback Guard*. Signal Tones (Low Battery, Program Changes). Nano Coating. Data Logging. Autophone. In-situ Audiometry. Telecoil With T and MT Modes.


* Only In GAIN 3

29 GAIN 2 APPARAISE 2.4 6 / 4 675 / 300 60 – 120 25,000 /-
30 GAIN 3 APPARAISE 2.4 9 / 6 675 / 300 60 – 120 35,000 /-
                             CRISP 2
WDRC Sound Processing. Adaptive Noise Reduction. Fixed, Speech-Focused and Auto-Steered Directionality. Microphone Noice Reduction (Mild). Auto Phone. Soundscape Technology. Adaptive Feedback Manager Plus (Mild). Data Logging. 2.4 Ghz Wireless Technology (Compatible With Remote Control Only). Nano Coating Technology.
31 RIE (WL) WITH VC APPARAISE 2.4 7 / 6 312 / 120 20 – 100 28,000 /-
32 P BTE (WL) APPARAISE 2.4 7 / 6 13 / 207 30 – 110 28,000 /-
33 P ITC (WL) APPARAISE 2.4 7 / 6 312 / 120 20 – 90 28,000 /-
34 P CIC APPARAISE 2.4 7 / 6 10 / 100 20 – 90 28,000 /-
                          STEP 2
WDRC Sound Processing. Microphone Noise, Adaptive Noise & Adaptive Wind Noise Reduction. Fixed, Speech-focused & Auto-steered Directionality. Sound-scape Technology. Feedback Manager Plus. Pre-Set Feedback Manager. Nano Coating. Datalogging. Autophone. Environmental Gain Tuner. Crossover-frequency. In-situ Audiometry. Ear-to-Ear Communication. Volume Control and- Push Button Synchronization. 2.4 Ghz Wireless Technology (Compatible With Remote Control).
35 RIE (WL) WITH VC APPARAISE 2.4 7 / 6 312 / 120 20 – 100 30,000 /-
36 P BTE (WL) APPARAISE 2.4 7 / 6 13 / 207 30 – 110 30,000 /-
37 P ITC (WL) APPARAISE 2.4 7 / 6 312 / 120 20 – 90 30,000 /-
38 P CIC APPARAISE 2.4 7 / 6 10 / 100 20 – 90 30,000 /-
                          CRISP 3
WDRC Sound Processing. Adaptive Noise Reduction. Fixed, Speech-focused and Auto-steered Directionality. Microphone Noise Reduction (Mild & Medium). Soundscape Technology. Adaptive Feedback Manager Plus (Mild & Moderate). Data Logging. Autophone. 2.4 Ghz Wireless Technology (Compatible With Remote Control, Tv Streamer, Phone Clip, Mini Microphone ). Nano Coating Technology.
39 RIE (WL)* WITH VC APPARAISE 2.4 8 / 6 312 / 120 20 – 100 36,000 /-
40 P BTE (WL)* APPARAISE 2.4 8 / 6 13 / 207 30 – 110 36,000 /-
41 P ITC (WL)* APPARAISE 2.4 8 / 6 312 / 120 20 – 90 36,000 /-
42 P CIC APPARAISE 2.4 8 / 6 10 / 100 20 – 90 36,000 /-





Model Name Software Channel / Bands Battery Type / Life Fitting Range MRP.
  STEP 4
WDRC Sound Processing. Microphone Noise, Adaptive Noise, Personal Noise & Adaptive Wind Noise Reduction. Fixed, Speech-focused & Auto-Steered Directionality. Soundscape Technology. Feedback Manager Plus. Feedback Manager Plus – Music Mode. Pre-set Feedback Manager. Nano Coating. Datalogging. Autophone. Environmental Gain Tuner. Crossover-frequency. In-situ Audiometry. Ear-to-Ear Communication. Volume Control and Push Button Synchroni-zation. 2.4 Ghz Wireless Technology (Compatible With Phone Clip, Remote Control, Tv Streamer, Mini Microphone).
43 RIE (WL)* WITH VC APPARAISE 2.4 12 / 7 312 / 120 20 – 100 40,000 /-
44 P BTE (WL)* APPARAISE 2.4 12 / 7 13 / 207 30 – 110 40,000 /-
45 P ITC (WL)* APPARAISE 2.4 12 / 7 312 / 120 20 – 90 40,000 /-
46 P CIC APPARAISE 2.4 12 / 7 10 / 100 20 – 90 40,000 /-




Microphone Noise Reduction, Adaptive Noise Reduction, Personal Noise Reduction, Adaptive Wind Noise Reduction, Fixed Directionality, Omni Directionality, Speech Focus Directionality, Auto Steered Directionality, Selectable Beam Width, SoundScape Technology, Feedback Manager Plus, Feedback Manager Plus- Music Mode, Pre – set Feedback Manager, Fitting Protection, Nano Coating, Data Logging, Auto Phone, Environmental Gain Tuner, Cross – over Frequency, In – situ, Ear to Ear Communication, Volume Control Synchronization, Push Button Synchronization, Comfort Phone, Wireless Phone Clip, Wireless Remote Control, Wireless TV Streamer.

47 RIE (WL)* WITH VC APPARAISE 2.4 17 / 9 312 / 120 20 – 100 75,000 /-
48 P BTE (WL)* APPARAISE 2.4 17 / 9 13 / 207 30 – 110 75,000 /-
49 P ITC (WL)* APPARAISE 2.4 17 / 9 312 / 120 20 – 90 75,000 /-
50 P CIC APPARAISE 2.4 17 / 9 10 / 100 20 – 90 75,000 /-




Direct control and streaming from iPhone, Interton EasyHearing app (iOS and Android), Microphone Noise Reduction, Adaptive Noise Reduction, Personal Noise Reduction, Adaptive Wind Noise Reduction, Fixed Directionality, Omni Directionality, Speech Focus Directionality, Auto Steered Directionality, Select- able Beam Width, SoundScape Technology, Feedback Manager Plus, Feedback Manager Plus – Music Mode, Pre – set Feedback Manager, Fitting Protection, Nano Coating, Acclimatization Manager, Frequency Shifter, Environmental Gain Tuner, Datalogging, AutoPhone, In – situ Audiometry, Ear to Ear Communication, Volume Control Synchronization, Push Button Synchronization, Comfort Phone, Wireless Phone Clip, Wireless Remote Control, Mini Microphone, Wireless TV Streamer.

51 RIE (WL)* WITH VC APPARAISE 2.4 17 / 17 312 / 120 20 – 100 85,000 /-


52        TV STREAMER




20,000 /-

53 PHONE CLIP 20,000 /-
54 REMOTE 20,000 /-
55 MINI MICROPHONE 20,000 /-